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The World's #1 All Natural Body Contouring and Cellulite Reduction Treatment

Lypossageâ„¢ is an all-natural body contouring treatment that delivers measurable results. Figure imbalances like cellulite and bulges on the thighs or abdomen respond readily to Lypossage.â„¢


If you've been frustrated when trying to "spot-reduce" areas of your body, you'll be delighted with the results of this unique treatment. It stimulates the immune system and helps detoxify the body. Best of all, Lypossageâ„¢ will help you feel as good as you look!


Lypossage is a non-invasive, natural health treatment that helps to cleanse the body of toxins and retained fluids. Most clients find that Lypossage enhances their energy and mental clarity. While there are some contraindications for specific medical conditions, Lypossage can be safely experienced by most healthy individuals. It is much safer than invasive surgical procedures such as liposuction. However, for those who opt for such surgery, Lypossage can be very beneficial both before and after the liposuction procedure.


Lypossage: About

How It Works

Lypossage cleanses the body of stagnant, stalled lymphatic fluid (lymphedema) that can create the lumps and bulges we know as figure imbalance. The deeper Lypossage strokes break up adhesions under the skin that can contribute to the dimpled, uneven appearance of cellulite. Lypossage also tones the muscles, lifting and firming sagging tissue.


The fatty tissue of your body acts as its "toxic waste disposal site," where substances that it cannot metabolize are dumped. This congested tissue has poor blood circulation (you'll notice that cellulite-prone areas are cool to the touch.) 

Lypossage: Quote

Scheduled Treatments

There are three Lypossge zones. Each zones treatments last about 20 minutes and are performed in a series of 18 sessions over the course of 4-8 weeks.

Get in Touch
Lypossage: Mission

Certified Practitioner

Lypossage practitioners are specially-trained Massage Therapists who have been trained in this extraordinary hands-on technique, and are licensed to practice under the Lypossage name.

Expected Results

While results vary, cumulative dimension loss over five key measurement points averaged 6.75 inches in the original study. It is not uncommon to find cumulative inch loss of up to 11". One Client in the study lost almost 3" in her waist measurement alone. Most women find that they will drop one to two dress sizes even without a reduction in their weight. Your Lypossage practitioner will weigh, photograph and measure you before you begin your program and at key intervals, to enable you to track your progress.

Lypossage: Services


Lypossage: Gallery

Client A

Client B

Lypossage: Services
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